

MPA's-Marine Protected Areas
Latitude and Longitudes - locations for each of the UC NRS reserves
USGS - maps of recent earthquake activity
CDF - California Dept of Forestry and Fire Protection Information and Data Center - useful maps (PDF, Arc/Info, tools)
CA Digital Conservation Atlas - designed to provide easy-to-use map views of California’s natural resources and working landscapes
My Topo - online USGS maps
National Park Sea Caves Map
Santa Barbara Airport-Skyvector
Santa Barbara

Flora & Fauna

CCBER - Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration UCSB
CCBER - University of California Santa Barbara Collections Network
ITIS - the Integrated Taxonomic Information System
Viceroy - Biota - The Biodiversity Database Manager and other Software
Lucidcentral - identification keys and diagnostic tools
Seed Bank-UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens
CPP-California Phenology Project
USA-NPN-National Phenology Network

Meta Data

KNB - the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity
PNAMP-Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership


Data One - Data Observation Network for Earth
EarthCube - Transforming Geosciences Research


GEOMAC - California wildfire viewer
FRAP - Fire and Resource Assessment Program
USGS - wildfire science
NIFC - National Interagency Fire Center - news
CDF - California Department of Forestry - incident report
LPNF - Los Padres National Forest - incident report
RCFD- Riverside County Fire Department - incident report


SCIR Reserve our current weather on the Island
NRS Weather Station Network
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NCAR - National Center for Atmospheric Research
WRCC - Western Regional Climate Center
SFSU - California regional weather server
Intellicast - weather information to help plan all weather sensitive activities
Current NOAA Satellite - 4 kilometer infared view of California


California Biodiversity Research Institute BRILOON
National Ecological Observatory Network NEON
Ecological Society of America ESA 
American Institute of Biological Sciences
National Center for Education Statistics
University of California Television
NCEAS - National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
OBFS - Organization of Biological Field Stations
LTER - the Long Term Ecological Research Network
Ecoinformatics - online resource for managing ecological data and information
CBC - California Biodiversity Center
Other UC Field Stations
California Islands Symposium
Preditory Bird Research
Catalina Island Conservancy
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Collections
Institute for Wildlife Studies
Island Conservation and Ecology Group-Mexico
ISOMED-International Society of Mediterranean Ecology
CITRIS-Center for Information Technology Research in the interest of society
SAVI-National Science Foundation-Science Across Virtual Institutes
IWS-San Nicolas Island Fox Project
UCSC-Pacific Rocky Intertidal Monitoring: Trends and Synthesis   
INCOMME-International Cooperative for the Managementof Mediterranean Climate Ecosystems

On-line Journals

Botany Journals - the scholarly journals archive for botany


UC eScholarship Repository- repository for research and scholarships info.
ORGS-Research Grants Program Office for Graduate Studies
ARRA-Recovery Act Grant Information
Ocean Protection Counsel-CA Gov Grants Human Genome Research Institute